304am永利网络与新媒体专业教师王圣博士,与西北大学文学院高翔博士等组成Panel,于8月12日-15日赴上海市参加The 12th Association for Cultural Studies "Crossroads in Cultural Studies"(2018“十字路口”全球文化研究论坛),该国际会议由Association for Cultural Studies (ACS)组办,为当前全球文化研究最重要的国际会议。首届会议于1996年在芬兰召开,以后每两年在世界不同地方举办一次。 2018年8月,第12届会议(Crossroadsin Cultural Studies 2018)将在上海大学召开,这也是该会首次来到中国大陆。由文化研究协会(ACS)组织的“十字路口会议”每隔一年在世界各地举行,先后在悉尼(澳大利亚)、伯明翰(英国)、香槟分校(美国)、伊斯坦布尔(土耳其)、Kingston(牙买加)、香港(中国)、巴黎(法国)、坦佩雷(芬兰)等举办。本届会议是首次在中国大陆举行,由上海大学于2018年8月11日至15日承办。
本次大会分为两个部分:4天(8月12--15日)的大会(conference),以及为世界各地青年安排的1天(8月11日)的青年专场(pre-conference)。“青年专场”(pre-conference)大会为来自世界不同地区和国家的研究生、青年教师和文化实践者提供对话和交往平台,青年专场在双年会正式开始前一天(即2018年8月11日)举办文化研究。王圣博士与西北大学文学院高翔博士、南开大学李飞博士等组成Panel作了专场报告。王圣博士作了From Foreworld to Self-Cultivation: the Modernization of Chinese mythology in Network novels的主题发言,详细阐述了当今网络文学背后构成的文化机制及其历史症候,发言摘要如下:
Chinese traditional culture broke into a deep break after the leap of modernity, especially by the May 4th Movement with complete negation of traditional culture. As a historical memory of collective unconsciousness, mythologies have to realize the transformation of modernity. It happened in 21c in China by the rise of network novels which is a new space for communication as the mirror of ideology. Thus, we see fantasy has become one of the main streams of Chinese network novels. There are two patterns in the mystery fiction, foreworld and cultivation, both of them try to establishing the logic of industrial society in place of the organic of primitive society. But rational logic brings the landscape of consumerism, destroyed the collective unconscious of Mythology. Chinese mythologies are also facing a situation of collapse resulting in the myth of entropy. Internet fictions have interrupted the circular movement in literature in Anatomy of Criticism by Frye, which could be regarded as the unique modern consequence in China. A high-level imitation of collectivism is turning around to Low-level imitation not by God but only the potentiality of human self through the adventure and cultivation of instrumental rationality. Myth is no longer a man's self transcendence but the realization of the desire of modern society. So there are three kinds of consequences. First, myths have lost their faith power and people are falling into the planarization of desire of modernization. Second, the novels are faced with the scarcity of the story resources. The last, the internet fictions are losing its appeal. Only internet fictions get rid of instrumental rationality and vulgar pragmatism and go back to super utilitarian Aesthetic, it could save the destruction of mythology in contemporary China.
(304am永利 王圣)