The Business Case of Digital Spare Parts Supply Chains

Tuesday 13 September | 09.00 — 10.30 | Hall 1 


Industrial supply chains are under pressure. In August 2021, Toyota Motor Corporation suspended output at 14 plants in Japan due to supply chain disruptions. In the same month, more than 50% of interviewed companies by the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) expected widespread supply chains disruption to persist into the next years. 

Over 2020 and 2021 the pandemic highlighted the limitations of traditional manufacturing and has proved to be a pivotal transition point for certain sectors of manufacturing. It appears that Additive Manufacturing will effect global supply chains in the following basic ways: 1) increased sustainability, 2) demand response requirements, 3) removing location and geopolitical constraints, and 4) enhanced collaboration. Traditional manufacturing impedes innovation, sustainability and supply chain resiliency and it is not surprising that US engineers across industries ranked AM as a top technology priority for investment post-COVID (Society of Manufacturing Engineers).


1 – What are the Key Differences between Traditional (subtractive) Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing

Roundtable: Insights from Industry Leaders (tbc)

2 – Creating ecosystems and collaboration are the multiplier to accelerate Additive Manufacturing adoption further

Keynote: Nils Gerlant Veenstra, CEO Industriam (Germany/The Netherlands)

3 – Best Practices for Developing an AM Supply Chain

Lessons from two industry leaders: Hakon Ellekjaer, Head of Additive Manufacturing, Wilhelmsen Shipping and Kenlip Ong · Business Director and Head of TechCentre (Asia Pacific) at thyssenkrupp

4 – How Additive Manufacturing is transforming the DNA of a traditional OEM serving the Oil & Gas Industry: the Digital Inventory Model provides a new Business Model

Luisa is General Manager at Valland since 2015. Since 2016 she has started exploring Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Oil & Gas applications and beyond, in both metallic and polymeric materials.